ASCENSION: I went to Ascension on Friday which was more like Descension or Deception. What a shitty rave. As I said before I went to Amazura to get the Discipline experience. After all, I thought that it was Stuck On Earth that fucked up Scheme (I Have A Dream 2000). Well what I realized is that promoters were not at fault for this shit. The security fucks up these events. Little by little security here makes a party impossible. They just bust balls more and more. First fuck up, they break the line into boy and girl. if you're with your girl how are you going to meet up on the inside. There were less girls than boys on this line. I know the boys line was a 2 hour wait. That is an inconvenience to wait for your guy for an hour. I personally did not take a girl w/ me luckily but my friends had this problem. Second thing that happened was that I had tapes and CDs which you can clearly see that they are all different. They were for my walkman. Well those knuckleheaded, shit for brained, no good,
low life, scumbag, blockheaded, cum-guzzling, gutterslut, security assholes said that I was going to give this away. Point 1: Why the hell would I do this? Point 2: What the fuck business is this of theirs? So the reasoning with the retarded security was put it in coat check. A backpack is $10!!!!Those cocksuckers!!!!The other thing that pissed me off was the fact that advanced ticket holders like myself waited on line 2 hours while the others who wanted to pay got in in 5 minutes.
The search was just about the most disgusting thing that I have ever experienced. I was violated along w/ everyone that went in. They went in my pants and underware and touched my dick and my nuts!!!! (Hello this ain't a school physical) They were unbuttoning pants and having them pulled down to kids knees and I saw a kid get extorted into being a snitch! So after being violated and raped. I went in.
The venue was at 1/4 capacity and the jungle room was closed the whole night. 1/2 the lineup was cut including Venom and Bam
Bam! Then House-o-Holics were originally slated for 2 am but was moved to "7am". I dont know if they played because friends had to leave for work. I had come for them and they were put on that late. (E-mail me if they did play.) Normally, I stay till closing but it wasn't worth it or was it possible to stay. The whole venue was engulfed by security and people were carted off the whole night. This party had good intentions but bad venue owners. If anyone is so pissed at this party that they would like to contact Amazura and complain, they advertise in Flyer which is at Sonic Groove once a month. Their number is 718-298-6760. fuck em, phone phlood em, phill the answering machine with complaints. As for the party the greatest thing that happened to me is the free tape I got from Jimmy Swift. I didn't see him play but the tape is fuckin awesome. If you are Jimmy Swift and you see this contact me. By the way, the sound sucked, and I slept through the rave literally!!!!! Thanx for reading Luv yas Disorderly
review by: KeyBoard Cowboy
I HAVE A DREAM 2000: I have to say that your review on I Have A Scheme 2000 was great. I was expecting it to be the best rave ever. After all the bullshit that happened at the last Scheme. I was expecting it to be like Discipline thrown by Synergy and Phryll. That has to be the best rave ever. At Discipline the sound was so loud I could not hear for 2 days. What pissed me off the most about Scheme was that I got my gas mask taken away. The same thing happened to me at Destination Nowhere (aka Destination Earth). Anyway great site. Post more opinions.
review by: KeyBoard Cowboy
BANG 3 was a fucking joke. By far the worst party I've ever been to. Let's put it this way, this party made Funk-E look like the best shit I've ever been to. Even better,it made April Foolz 2 look bangin'!
First off, I couldn't get tickets in NJ the day of the party because Local 13 didn't distribute enough and there were only 3 stores to buy them in. So the nice man at Pulse records told me to call up 611 in Philly and they would have them. So I call up 611 and sure enough they did. Well, I said to them I live more than an hour away from Bang, are you going to have tickets in the store??? So they tell me "yes...we'll have them in the store till 10PM, and after that you have to buy them at the door for $25" So, I figure, what the hell, 611 records isn't that far from Shampoo, so it doesn't matter if I make a quick stop and save a few bucks.
I get to 611 at like 9:15, and the f%#&ing bastard is says, "Well we aren't allowed to sell them here...you have to get them at the
door." So that fucking pissed me off. I was like, "do you have them here??...yeah we do...but you have to buy them at the door. They just called and told me to stop selling them. So I bugged out. I knew that they were only after the almighty f%#&ing $$ and that is what really got me. I mean $25 for a stupid fucking 9 hour party in Club Shampoo...fuck that. Well, then this other manager dude comes out and starts gettin' loud with me telling me how 611 makes no profit off the tickets and there is no difference if I buy them here or at the door. But Local 13 and 611 are throwing the f@%&ing thing, so obviously they get a few bucks from the tickets...so thanks for the free tape...but fuck 611.
We get there and the place is shady as hell. The best thing about the entire party is that water was $2. The search at the door was ridiculous, took about an hour for 3 people to get in. The securty was all over the place...and they weren't even security...they were Philadelphia Crack-heads who just robbed you of your
drugs and sold them for more smack. Obviously, they weren't actual security...just paid by whatever they got from you...they would just be like..."gimmie that" or "empty your pockets". The music was decent...but only outside. The music in the bathroom was a joke. The music downstairs was hot...if there was any fucking room to dance. The music upstairs was only so-so but I couldn't see a god-damn thing. Well, after being sober for about 5 hours and having to deal with security, the most annoying yuppie/chicken-head crowed, I wanted nothing more to just leave.
At about 4am, we peaced. Thanks for the rip off Local 13 and 611...and remember this one forever. All I need to say is if Local 13 teams up with 611 again, you can count on me going to a NYC party that night because that whole thing was bullshit.
Review by: Chris
FUNK-E: Yeah kid, I went, and that shit pissed me off, no doubt. I mean...I ran into a lot of my friends outside in that little "ok" corral. But the whole night pissed me off. First off, the directions sucked...the Jungle room was on ice...literally. The cops were everywhere, they didn't play all the DJ's they were suppose to, I never got my free CD for being the one of the first 1,000 heads through the door, the party closed at 6 (2 hours early), the cops were kicking heads out, my good friend got jumped by BTS, and Freak-E was so much better. I just didn't like it. It could have been so much better. I paid 50 dollars for me and my girl to get in...by 11 o'clock anyone could have gotten in.
I think that the next 'E' party should be called SORR-E and they should let all the ticket holding FUNK-E kids in for free!
review by: Chris
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