BRASS MONKEY 2K was held on 3-11-00. As usual, this Monkey party was held at the Roseland Ballroom. The line-up was incredible, DJ Dan rocked it, and Nice and Smooth was the surprise special guest performer. Justin Johnson also did a great job, bringing the breaks into room 2. All in all, it was a good party, but as anyone who attended the party will tell you, the craziest part of the nite was outside after it was over. There were somewhere around 40 different promoters all handing out different flyers, attacking everyone who was on the street. Intense, but that just shows that some people really are trying to keep this scene alive!
TEMPTATION, held on 2-19-00, was the absolute SHIT! it took a CT productions team to come down to NYC to represent! isnt that a sham!?! they pulled off a better party than any NYC promoter could even dream of pulling off. the ultimate party, w/ the ultimate line-up, in the ultimate venue! all i have to say, is that you better hold on tight, b/c TEMPTATION is going to be a MONTHLY EVENT!!! thats right, once a month, KING SIZE is making this a monthly event! its going to go on, once a month, starting in may! same kick ass venue, w/ a bangin line-up, every month!!!
as for this TEMPTATION, heres the rundown:
ill start w/ the bad points...parking! thats it! the parking is tight there.
on to the good stuff! the venue is GREAT! the vanderbilt is the ultimate spot for any event; super clean, large enough for everyone to dance and hangout...great spot! the DJs? Spacegirl ROCKED the place! Keoki ROCKED the place! Micro, 3PO, Scotty Marz &
all the other DJs...everyone rocked it! even the security was good! they were there to take care of the bullshit, and thats it!
thanx KING SIZE & CONTROL RADIO for stepping up in this time of need for the NYC scene and throwing the best event ive attended in a long time!! i cant wait for the next one!
make sure you tune into the Control Radio show on 92.7fm (and 98.5fm) every saturday nite between 2am to 4am.
PLAN B, held on 1-29-00, was the shadiest party ever! it was held at tunnel, which is most of the reason why it was shady! THUGS!!! aside from that, the line was rediculous, and even tho the flyer said something about $20 guestlist and $20 for girls, it was $25 for everyone! i really shouldnt have expected much more...it's NYC!
RESPECT, held on 1-21-00, was held at the Wave, in Staten Island, NY. As much as some people hate the Wave, I didn't mind it too much on this nite! The party had a weird kind of vibe to it, but that may just be b/c i was only there for ROB GEE's set! He played some old stuff, and some of the newer stuff that he recently put out on his ADAM Recordings label.
Like I said before, I wasn't there too long, but the part of the nite that I did catch was pretty good. Big Ups to the Insane Asylum!
I HAVE A DREAM 2000, held on 1-16-00. I HAVE A DREAM, that one day, we as party-goers and scene supporters, won't have to succumb to the greed, and fall victim to the corruption that some party organizers call a party. Ratt Pack & Stuck On Earth have repeatedly joined forces to organize parties that do nothing but put money in their pockets, and leave us, the party-goers, broke and unsatisfied. We need to come together and NOT support them! Show them that they cannot abuse us by organizing crooked-ass parties. We need to stop the greed! Stop the abuse!
Now, w/ that said, let me criticize the party itself, and the promoters some more:
1. "The all new Amazura Ballroom" that is EXACTLY the same as it was before.
2. It's a good thing they had a coat check, b/c it was freekin' COLD on the nite of the party! However, the lines for it were so long, it wasn't worth the wait. Maybe next time they can set it up so that people will have time to actually check
in their stuff, and leave it there for a while, before it's time to leave the party!
3. "All new FRIENDLY SECURITY" !?!?!?!?!?!?!? I don't think I even really need to go here, but come on…who are you trying to fool? Same place, same security, same SHIT! Repeatedly, I saw their shady security team harassing people, throwing kids out in the cold w/o the opportunity to get their jackets, and hitting people outside the venue (including a girl who may have weighed 100 lbs, if that, getting thrown down by a 200+ lbs 'security guard'. Those people are more like the 'somewhat organized harassment team'.
It's not so much that the parties aren't well planned, they look great (w/ all the lies) on the flyer, it's the execution of the event. When there are problems at the party, isn't it the responsibility of the organizers to try to alleviate these problems? Why is it then, that at the Ratt Pack & Stuck On Earth events, NO ONE w/ a clue can be found. Do they just leave when the door money comes in?
Basically, what I'm saying is, lets stop supporting the crooked organizers, b/c in turn, we are really supporting more crooked events. I'm not just asking you to avoid these parties, I'm asking you to avoid them and tell everyone you know to avoid them, so that these problems stop! This is a very bad time we're going thru in this scene. We need to join together and create something positive, while all these people are doing is dragging us down lower. Let's help ourselves get better.
Other Reviews
BACK 2 BROOKLYN, held on 11-19-99, could have been better attendence wise. the brooklyn location was good, the talent was outstanding, but there werent many people there at all! im not saying that just the crowd makes or breaks a party, its a combination of many things, but it does have a big part to do with it! hilites of the nite include Misjah and Tim, and Delirium. i had a pretty good time, but if there were more people there, it could have been great! that just brings up the point and gives me a chance to give advice to all promoters throwing a party: PROMOTIONS OF THE PARTY ARE MOST IMPORTANT!
(for any and all help w/ promotions, contact:
4:20 : NORTHERN LIGHTS held on 11-6-99, turned out to be a good party. it was held at a hall in Brooklyn by NYWO. this party was a warm-up for the much anticipated KLOUD 909, coming next year (keep you eye out for that one!). with the flyer boasting over 30 DJs, each played for about 30 minutes, but im not too sure that everyone even played at all. official NYWO t-shirts were sold all nite, and if you werent there to pick one up, call the info lines and get one soon!!! (i got one!)
there was only one problem w/ the party, it was a little hot inside, but it really didnt affect anything much. i had a good time, and would like to thank Johnny Hardcore and the rest of the NYWO crew for keeping the scene alive in NYC!!
BOO 4, held on 10-11-99, had a lot of potential to be a great party! Ratt Pack and Stuck on Earth needed a party to give good credibility to their names, and this one was building up to be that party. The venue was 3 big tents of music, outdoors on the piers in NYC. the rain had stopped, the line was moving, and the music was pumping! HOWEVER, slowly, the rooms were being shut down, and by 2am, the party was over! i believe that the city stopped the party b/c of amount of bad occurances going on that nite (ie. ODs, and whatnot). there were many, many disappointed party kids forced to leave the area early. then, the joke (which they called the afterhours) didnt start until 4am. just more bad feelings about the entire NYC scene. no one has been throwing any worthwhile parties that actually go as planned, and nothing has been going on that has impressed me, or most people that i talked to.
Some of the highlites of the nite, for me, were mostly revolving around the 'House under
the Stars' tent. the music was great up there, and there was actually a vibe growing at a NYC party! then it got shut down! but before it did, everyone rocked it, especially Feelgood, and someone who i dont know their name. the reason i dont know who he was, is b/c there were NO lineup flyers, or signs anywhere! everyone knows its supposed to be about the music, so help us out, and hang the lineup flyers around the party, or hand out flyers of it! some of us are there for the music!
lastly, i just want to give a big shout out to El Donte, and Turbo G, who was missed greatly at the party (get well soon...)
oh, by the way, if anyone knows who that DJ was (the last one to play in the 'House under the Stars' tent, E-mail Me and let me know! also, anyone who has pix from this party, or any other party, send em in!
NOTE: the dj that i didnt know the name of was Kevin Yost (thanx eric!)
ALIVE, held on 9-25-99, ROCKED!!! This was, by far, the best party that i have attended in a very long time! the venue, the production, the talent, the people, everything came together perfectly for a memorable experience.
lets start w/ the venue: 2 huge rooms in the Hartford Civic Center, in CT, w/ a capacity of about 3,000 (in which the party did sell out!).
next, the production: Columns of Knowledge deserves much props on this party. his biggest party yet, and the best of all. he, and the parties he throws, define what this scene is all about. his productions set a standard of how other events go off. the sound, the lites, the lasers: great!
The talent: where should i begin?!?! well, one thing is for sure, NO ONE will disagree w/ me on this fact: the Scott Henry & Feelgood tag-team tore the roof off the place! right after that, Josh Wink blew up the entire building!!! other
highlites included Madame Buddafly, T-1000 (and his set-closing singing!), and Lenny Dee's hardcore rockin'! everyone else that i caught was also good, but the only down-side was that i missed Doc Scott & MC Justiyc, b/c Scott Henry & Feelgood were rockin it so hard!
lastly, the people! there was a definite vibe at this party, that i havent experienced in a long time. NO FIGHTS, NO BULLSHIT, PURE FUN!!!
Thank you COK for throwing the best party of the year!!!
SURGE 2, held on 8-27-99, SUCKED!!! the party as a whole was supposed to be good as far as lineup and venue were concerned, but thats not what happened at all!
1. supposedly, the correct permits were not attained before the start of the party, so the second sound area was eliminated,
2. the 'all ages' party was changed last minute to 18+ w/ valid ID at the door, but no one was informed of that until they got to the door!
3. this '5000+ capacity venue' would be too packed to move if more than 1500 people showed up,
4. the DJs that actually did play, were mostly all break-beat DJs, which is fine, but not all in a row...diversify!
5. the party that was going until 6am, got shut down at around 2am b/c the promoter, ZERO TOLERANCE, ran w/ the money. therefore, the staff, DJs, security, and others were NOT paid, and the party could not go on. (this information was given out by one of the ESDJCO coordinators)
6. someone involved w/
the production of the party then instructed everyone to go to the tunnel where ticket stubs, which were NOT given out, would be honored at the door, and all the rest of the DJs would perform there. however, when people arrived at the door, they knew nothing about ticket stubs or even SURGE and wanted another $20 for entrance!
so, all in all, this party sucked! everything from the greedy promoters to the worthless production of the party sucked. i dont think that ZERO TOLERANCE is going to try to make good on this situation either, seeing how they erased and deleted their website and infoline in less than 24 hours after the party!
i know that im not alone when i say that im sick of the bullshit that has been going on w/ this scene! it makes me sick and not want to go out and support these crooked parties and promoters. problems like this have been happening much too often, and im sick of it; everything from last minute venue and talent changes, to the party kids abusing themselves and others. we are helping to destroy this scene. its not going to last if we work against ourselves. we have enough to fight for against everyone else who doesnt understand...why help them destroy ourselves?!?!
there arent too many trustworthy production teams around these days, and thats sad. why is everything revolving around money and greed? and why are we supporting the destruction or ourselves? each of us needs to take a step back and realize whats going on here. were in a downward spiral, going faster and faster w/ every passing weekend. lets wise up and fight for ourselves. if you want to be involved w/ a positive movement, contact me at suburban_base@yahoo.com w/ the subject "fight", or call the RATED R infoline: (201)998-6148 and leave a message in mailbox #8 stating that you want to be a part of this positive movement.
FUNK-E, held on 6-26-99, was the second installment of the 'E' parties. I was not at the first one, FREAK-E, but I hope it was not as poorly planned and executed as FUNK-E! First off, the directions were completely wrong on the flyer, and ONE PRODUCTIONS waited until the day of the party to update their voicemail. They did give the correct directions on the voicemail, but why didn't they update the DJ lineup?!?! More than half of the DJs listed on the flyer did NOT play! One of the supposed highlites of the nite was a Gonzo/Frankie Bones tagteam, which NEVER HAPPENED! One of the REAL highlites was Chris Liberator! Oh, and the Rob Base/DJ EZ Rock show was a real trip!
Their 2 room venue turned into an incredibly hot and sweaty 1 room terror. There was, however, a tiny outdoor area which I suppose should go as a plus. One good thing that I must mention was the incredible job PAWN did w/ the lasers…OUTRAGEOUS! The party was alright, but the production teams, ONE PRODUCTIONS & OUTTA SPACE, should really consider the people who support them (PARTY PEOPLE), forget about the almighty dollar, and end the lies! I won't be at the next 'E' party! Shitty Production companies must learn that we will NOT tolerate their bullshit party schemes!
(I have received many reviews similar to the one that I have given this party.
You can read them under other reviews.
The ABSOLUTE BEST line that I have ever heard or read was in one of them.
"I think that their next 'E' party should be called SORR-E,
and they should let all the ticket holding FUNK-E kids in for free!"
Couldn't have said it any better!)
Other Reviews
ALL OUT SUNSHINE AGAIN was held on June 12, 1999 in CT. The party was great; although the nite started out rainy, it turned out perfect. There were 3 areas of sound at this indoor/outdoor event. Columns of Knowledge definitely knows what it takes to throw a great party. I have never had a bad time at any of their events, and support them strongly as promoters. The lines moved quickly, the crowd was there to party, and the DJs were there to ROCK it! No bad vibes at all.
Although I didn't get to catch everyone, some highlites of the nite included Spacegirl's live PA, J. Smooth's warm welcome from the crowd, and DJ Flex's set. Speaking of Flex, if you were there you know what I mean: the second room was really hot, but the heat was from the entire room jumping! DJ Flex kept that room bouncing the entire time w/ his Chicago House…not one person sitting!!! Also,
the laser show hosted by PAWN was AMAZING!!! Incredible visuals spread throughout room 1 all nite.
Lastly, I would like to thank Knowledge for this incredible event. Great party! I can't wait for the next COK event!
WHISTLE 2, held on May 29, 1999 at the South Jersey Expo Center, was, to say the least, HUGE! There were 5 huge rooms of sound blasting all nite long. I'm guess-timating that there were between 10,000 and 12,000 people. Local 13 sold out the event before the nite of the party, and no one w/out a ticket on that nite got in. The tix, being sold at ticket locations for $30, were in such great demand on that nite, that party kids from everywhere were trying to buy them in the parking lot. I'm not sure what the highest bid was, but I was offered $100 when I first got to the venue! I'm glad I didn't sell my ticket though, b/c I had a great time. The lines moved fast, there were plenty of bathrooms, plenty of water, loads of vendors, and great music. My faith inLocal 13 as a party organizer has been restored after the horror they called April Foolz 2!
It's hard to pin-point the highlites of the nite, but I will say that Rob Gee rocked it! For anyone who was in the Hardcore room at the end of Rob's first set and listens to Pennywise, you know what I mean!!! He rocked that place w/ a hardcore remix of 'Bro Hymn'! Lastly, I just have to give big shouts out to Heather (it was nice to see you), Brian & Jenn (I hope your trip to the party wasn't too long), and all the other party people I ran into that nite!
WINTER WONDERLAND, held on February 6, 99, was thrown by Columns of Knowledge and Energy Productions. First off, I would just like to thank Knowledge for hooking me up. The party was outrageous. Three huge ballrooms of sound, and an enormous turnout! Aside from the bullshit politics that plague our scene, this NYC party turned out great. Highlites of the nite included Knowledge's set ending w/ Born Slippery, Frankie Bones set (he filled in for an absent Joey Beltram), Tommy Tunes ending the nite off correct, and everyone else that rocked! The vibe was there in a weird sort of way...
Lastly, I want to give a big shout out to everyone that I made big memories w/ (even though they were unfortunate, they are still memories), all the new people I met, as well as the old ones (Erik!!)
Thank Columns and Energy!
BRASS MONKEY 3-D, held on December 26, 1998, was, sadly to say, the last of the Monkey parties. I have enjoyed all of the Monkey parties, missing only the first of them all. Thank you very much to The Zoo and Uptown Underground for providing a standard for which all NYC parties are held. Commander Tom and Andy Trek were a highlight of the nite, as well as Venom downstairs, and all the other DJs were great too. I did not have the best time, because the party lacked VIBE (!!!), but definitely not a bad time...
I think that the 3-D visuals could have been better, or should not have been such a big hype (but the glasses were cool!). All in all, I think that the 2 promotion teams went out w/ a bang...I hope to see another slammin' party soon! A big WHAT'S UP to all of the peeps I chilled w/ that nite...Eric, Megan, Mike, Heather, Steven, Webb, Jess, Don, Jenn, Jen & Brian, and of course Beth-Ann...and to anyone I forgot,
JOY, held on December 17, 1998, was a phat party. It was held for a good cause, and did a lot of good. Everyone was required to bring 3 non-perishable food items and $5 to get in. They raised a shit-load of food for the homeless, and packed the place! The talent was all donated, and rocked all nite. I had a wonderful time and met lots of people. Thank you very much Stuck On Earth for throwing a phat party, and doing something wonderful for the world! Also, I want to say what's up to Dana from Ratt Pack, and Knowledge from Columns of Knowledge!
WHERE, held on November 7, 1998, was the second in a series of W? parties. The venue was better by far...possibly the best I have been to. It consisted of 3 large ballroom type rooms, a huge main entrance area, a small chillout room, some roof space, and the cleanest bathrooms ever! The talent was struggling a little bit though. Many of the DJs that were making people move were on earlier. Nostrum rocked the hell out of the crowd! So many people were dancing that it felt like the floor was going to fall thru! This spot had one of the largest D n' B rooms I have ever seen. There were great people there and good vendors. Overall, I had a blast! A big THANX to Zero Tolerance and you can bet I'll be at the next W? party.
B00 3, held on October 11, 1998, might have been a good party, but I wouldn't know, b/c I was one of the MANY who got shut out. I did have a ticket, but on this particular nite, that meant nothing at all. I had to travel only about an hour, so it wasn't that bad. However, I did meet people from faraway places (PA, DC area, Ohio!) that also got shut out. If you are like me, and had a ticket, but did not get in, call the main info line...they ARE refunding $$$$.
FANTASIA 4, held on September 6, 1998, was a slammin party. The talent was top notch, the crowd was unbelievable, and the venue was awesome. The place had a huge outdoor tent for jungle and hip-hop, an open outdoor area for the house (on the water, which had its own beach!) and an indoor area for the techno/trance. Really nice setup! Aside from the fire department almost closing the gate due to the turnout, everything went well. I had a great time and met a lot of new people. Along the talent lines, DJ Wally spinning some jungle with MC Posi-D and his amazing vocals, were a great duo, and DJ Woody McBride (ESP) was tremendous. It was also a memorable party because we brought a few new heads into our (nameless) crew (Anna & Joe...), and we were missing some as well (Nick & Nicole). Some new encounters for us (Beth-Ann & I), and I found out what a nut Webb really is! Well, that's all for now, and until Heather comes up with a name for us, I'll
just say:
ps. if you have any comments or reviews, send them to me! (and don't knock my page--Jess!)
IGNITE, held on August 28, 1998, was a huge surprise...for everyone! First of all, the place was packed...3 areas! 2 huge indoor areas, and an outdoor area...all with music. The talent was top of the line. If you were there, you know what I mean when i say BAD BOY BILL!!!! It's a damn shame that Delta 9 was on the flyer, but not on the lineup! DJ Gow really got people moving outside. Much props given to Kingsize and Pulse Records! Thanx for the great time!
WHAT, held on August 21, 1998, was a really good party...talent wise! The tag-teams were unbelievable! Kliprock and Rob Devs really tore shit up, and Frankie Bones and Adam X rocked it brotherly! However, the spot was alright...it had its problems!
1. the place was HOT!!! And next time there's going to be a sauna in the back room, try to tell the people so we can bring our bathing suits!
2. the muscle-head security was quite annoying...bothersome to say the least.
There was one good thing about it though...they had opened the back, outdoor area, to us...which really helped out, seeing how hot it was inside. Overall, I think the party went off well...that is except for shutting down an hour early! The info lines said 7am...it was 6 when the lights went on, and the place was still packed! Oh, props to Nicole for homebase!
DAMAGE, held on August 13, 1998, was a good hardcore show. I have to be in the right mood for hardcore, and on this nite, I was! First off, I have to say thanx to Rob Gee for hooking us up w/ the comps...he tore shit up...GABBER STYLE! There were two rooms of madness in the confined BANK, most of which was taken up by the pits...but that's what it's all about! I had a really good time...
The NEXT GENERATION, held on August 8, 1998, had its good and bad points. As always, I'm going to list the bad points of the nite first!
1. the DJs on the main floor were about 30 feet higher than the dance floor, w/ no way to really see them. Those of us who really care about the music and were interrested in knowing what was going on, were just out of luck! So, don't expect any pics of the DJs...
2. the sound in the Jungle room shut off for a good while...supposedly someone blew a fuse or something.
3. and the thing that pissed just about everyone off, was that the party was shut down early!!! It wasn't supposed to end until about 6am, but a 4:30am closing was a huge disappointment to all!!!
Alright, on to the good points! This is pretty much the first place I've been to that actually HAD air conditioning! The crowd was real chill, and the music was great! The
talent line-up was a big highlite of the nite, and the dancing was out of control. I had a pretty good time here despite the problems mentioned before.
Real fast I have to say what's up to Erik and Angel from the elevator! To John from Cornell, and Casper from Florida. Oh, and of course to all the PARTY PEOPLE....
The 3rd SIGN, held on July 31, 1998, was a good time. First off, I want to thank Nidal from Unforgiven Salvation...I had a slammin time! The talent was a definite highlite of the nite. Nostrum rocked it, and although Lenny Dee was taken off the line-up, Rob Gee replaced his presence just fine with a live performance! Overall, I think the party went off really well. Unforgiven Salvation knows what it takes to throw a party, and I can't wait for the next one!
GENESIS, held on July 11, 1998, was an alright party. I have a few bad things to say about it, like:
1. the line was rediculously long and the place was hard to get in to
2. the inside was very hot
3. the sound shut off, 1st outside, then inside
However, the production company, Smoove Groove, did eventually open the side door for ticket holders. Also, they called in an outside party to come fix the sound problems, which, after all the troubles, turned out great! Overall, I believe a good time was had by everyone, and I look forward to the next Smoove Groove production.
BANG 2, held on July 4, 1998, was indeed, the BEST party I have ever been to! There were 4 rooms w/ music, one being an outdoor tent! The vibe was incredible (!PARTY PEOPLE!), the music was outrageous (Scott Henry rocked it), and the party was GREAT!!! Even the after-party was slammin! After a horrible display at April Foolz, Local 13 owed this to us...and they pulled this off better than anyone, ever before! Thank you!!!
me if you would like to submit a party review,
or just send it to the guestbook!